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Scilab on Cloud
The Python Way

December 2012 • Saket Choudhary

    • Graphics and Data Visualizations
    • Control and Signal Processing
    • Modeling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems
    • Image Processing
    • Fluid Dynamics
    • Linear Algebra
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Numerical Optimization

Scilab On Browser : The Need
  1. Scilab has a native client for Linux,Windows and Mac

    Native installation : You need the binaries/source

    Speed restricted by your PC specifications !

  2. Running Scilab on low end devices might be extremenly slow!

    How about porting Scilab to work from your browser,making it platform-independent ?

Text Book Companion Project
  1. The Textbook Companion Project aims to port worked out examples and select exercise problems from standard textbooks using an open source software system, such as Scilab. Any standard textbook can be used for this purpose.

  2. Text Book Companion is an IIT Bombay - MHRD initiative

    Examples from 100+ textbooks already available online!

Scilab On Cloud Weds TextBook Companion
  1. Scilab On Cloud along with TextBook Companion Project provides an online interface to try out variety of examples !
  2. Run Scilab codes straight from your Browser literally!
  3. 2D/3D Plots can be genereated and downloaded as PDFs !

Scilab On Cloud is Powered by

Open Source Question

The Power of Django
  • Django is a Python based MVC(Model,View Controller)framework
  • In very short Django helps you write modular code in short time, taking care of optimization and security on its own!
  • Scilab on Cloud is essentialy a RESTful implementation in Django

The Power of Django
  • RESTful implentation is essentially a Client-Server communication protocol with certain constraints that enhance scalability and generality of interfaces

  • Parameters: input_code, graphics_mode
  • Output: output_result, graph, a pdf link!
  • We built an API around this!


  • We had to disable some of the Scilab functions fromsecurity point of view.Since it was not possible directly, we used Python

  • Two modes: Graphics & No-Graphics
  • Python(Django) helps in 'talking' with the browser and Scilab
  • We use modules like mysql,reportlab,subprocess,json

Demo 2

Where from here ?
  • A Chrome extension that allows to run your Scilab codes from any website (remember I said literally !)

  • As the TextBook Companion Project progresses more and more examples to learn from
  • Contribute while you learn model !
  • Everything here is Open Source, again literally!

  1. Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Guide and Mentor
  2. MHRD
  3. C-DAC Bangalore
  4. Prof. Prabhu and Prof. Belur
  5. Gyan, Vishnu, Manivel and Shahid,IIT Bombay
  6. FOSSEE and Scilab Team at IIT Bombay
Thank You!

Saket Choudhary,
Fourth Year Undergraduate
Chemical Engineering Department
IIT Bombay


@saketkc Twitter