Source code for pyseqlogo.format_utils

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

from Bio.Align import AlignInfo
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio import motifs
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import AlignIO

from .expected_frequencies import naive_freq_tables

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]def count_to_pfm(counts): df = pd.DataFrame(counts) total_counts = df.T.sum() df = (df.T / total_counts).T df = df.fillna(0)
return (df.to_dict(orient='list'), total_counts.tolist()[0])
[docs]def approximate_error(pfm, n_occur): """Calculate approximate error for small count motif information content Parameters ---------- pfm: dict {'A': [0.1,0.3,0.2], 'T':[0.3,0.1,0.2], 'G': [0.1,0.3,0.3], 'C':[0.5,0.3,0.3]} n: int Number of sites Returns ------- approx_error: float Approx error """ bases = list(pfm.keys()) approx_error = (len(bases) - 1) / (2 * np.log(2) * n_occur)
return approx_error
[docs]def exact_error(pfm, n): """Calculate exact error, using multinomial(na,nc,ng,nt)""" # Super Slow. O(n^3) bases = list(pfm.keys()) na = sum(pfm[bases[0]]) n = na nc = 0 ng = 0 nt = 0 done = False exact_error = 0 while not done: exact_error += sum( [-p * np.log2(p) for p in [na / n, nc / n, ng / n, nt / n]]) if nt <= 0: # iterate inner loop if ng > 0: # g => t ng = ng - 1 nt = nt + 1 elif nc > 0: # c -> g nc = nc - 1 ng = ng + 1 else: # a->c na = na - 1 nc = nc + 1 else: if ng > 0: # g => t ng = ng - 1 nt = nt + 1 elif nc > 0: # c => g; all t -> g nc = nc - 1 ng = nt + 1 nt = 0 elif na > 0: # a => c; all g,t -> c nc = nt + 1 na = na - 1 nt = 0 else: done = True
return exact_error
[docs]def calc_info_matrix(pfm, n_occur, correction_type='approx', seq_type='dna'): """Calculate information matrix with small sample correction""" bases = list(pfm.keys()) n = len(pfm.values()[0]) if correction_type == 'approx': error = approximate_error(pfm, n_occur) else: error = exact_error(pfm) if seq_type == 'dna': shannon_entropy = [ sum([ -pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log2(pfm[b][l])) for b in bases ]) for l in range(0, n) ] info_matrix = [ 2 + sum( [pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log2(pfm[b][l])) for b in bases]) for l in range(0, n) ] elif seq_type == 'aa': shannon_entropy = [ sum([ -pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log20(pfm[b][l])) for b in bases ]) for l in range(0, n) ] info_matrix = [ 2 + sum([ pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log20(pfm[b][l])) for b in bases ]) for l in range(0, n) ] else: # Custom logscale = np.log(len(bases)) shannon_entropy = [ sum([ -pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log(pfm[b][l]) / logscale) for b in bases ]) for l in range(0, n) ] info_matrix = [ 2 + sum([ pfm[b][l] * np.nan_to_num(np.log(pfm[b][l]) / logscale) for b in bases ]) for l in range(0, n) ] #info_matrix[info_matrix<0] = 0
return info_matrix
[docs]def calc_relative_information(pfm, n_occur, correction_type='approx'): """Calculate relative information matrix""" bases = list(pfm.keys()) if correction_type == 'approx': info_matrix = calc_info_matrix(pfm, n_occur) else: info_matrix = calc_info_matrix(pfm, 'exact') relative_info = { base: [ np.nan_to_num(prob * info) for prob, info in zip(pfm[base], info_matrix) ] for base in bases }
return relative_info
[docs]def read_alignment(infile, data_type='fasta', seq_type='dna', pseudo_count=1): """Read alignment file as motif Parameters ---------- infile: str Path to input alignment file data_type: str 'fasta', 'stockholm', etc/. as supported by Bio.AlignIO seq_type: str 'dna', 'rna' or 'aa' pseudo_count: int psuedo counts to add before calculating information cotent Returns ------- (motif, information_content) : tuple A motif instance followd by total informatio content of the motif """ alignment =, data_type) data = [] for aln in alignment: data.append([x for x in str(aln.seq)]) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df_counts = df.apply(pd.value_counts, 0) total = df_counts[[0]].sum() df_counts = df_counts[df_counts.index != '-'] # Remove - from counts counts_dict = df_counts.to_dict(orient='index') counts = {} for key, val in counts_dict.iteritems(): counts[key] = list(val.values()) return counts, total """ summary_align = AlignInfo.SummaryInfo(alignment) if seq_type == 'dna': info_content = summary_align.information_content(e_freq_table = naive_freq_tables['dna'], chars_to_ignore = ['N'], pseudo_count = pseudo_count) elif seq_type == 'rna': info_content = summary_align.information_content(e_freq_table = naive_freq_tables['rna'], chars_to_ignore = ['N'], pseudo_count = pseudo_count) else: info_content = summary_align.information_content(e_freq_table = naive_freq_tables['aa'], pseudo_count = pseudo_count) motif = create_motif_from_alignment(alignment) return (motif, summary_align.ic_vector)
[docs]def create_motif_from_alignment(alignment): """Create motif form an alignment object Parameters ---------- alignment : Bio.AlignIO Bio.AligIO input Returns ------- motif : Bio.motifs object """ records = [record.seq for record in alignment] motif = motifs.create(records)
return motif
[docs]def format_matrix(matrix): scores = [] for i in range(0, len(matrix[matrix.keys()[0]])): row_scores = [(b, matrix[b][i]) for b in matrix.keys()] row_scores.sort(key=lambda t: t[1]) scores.append(row_scores)
return scores
[docs]def process_data(data, data_type='counts', seq_type='dna'): if data_type == 'counts': pfm, total = count_to_pfm(data) ic = calc_relative_information(pfm, total) elif data_type in ['fasta', 'stockholm']: #motif, ic = read_alignment(data, data_type, seq_type) #pfm = motif.counts.normalize(pseudocounts=1) data, total = read_alignment(data, data_type, seq_type) pfm, _ = count_to_pfm(data) ic = calc_relative_information(pfm, total) elif data_type in [ 'alignace', 'meme', 'mast', 'transfac', 'pfm', 'sites', 'jaspar' ]: if data_type in ['jaspar', 'transfac']: motif = motifs.parse(open(data, 'r'), data_type.upper())[0] pfm = dict(motif.counts.normalize()) total = sum(list(motif.counts.viewvalues())[0]) else: motif =, 'r'), data_type) try: pfm = motif.counts.normalize(psuedocounts=1) except: pfm = motif.counts.normalize() total = motif.counts ic = calc_relative_information(pfm, total)
return (format_matrix(pfm), format_matrix(ic))