.. _srptosrr: ########## srp-to-srr ########## ``srp-to-srr`` converts a SRA study accession (SRP) to corresponding SRA run accession(s) (SRR). ================= Usage and options ================= :: $ pysradb srp-to-srr -h Usage: pysradb srp-to-srr [OPTIONS] SRP_ID Get SRR for a SRP Options: --saveto TEXT Save output to file --detailed Output additional columns: [experiment_accession (SRX), sample_accession (SRS), study_alias (GSE), experiment_alias (GSM), sample_alias (GSM_), run_alias (GSM_r)], -h, --help Show this message and exit. =============================================================== Convert SRA study accession (SRP) to SRA run accession(s) (SRR) =============================================================== To convert a SRA study accession of the form ``SRPmmmmm`` to its corresponding SRA run accessions of the form ``SRRnnnn``: :: $ pysradb srp-to-srr SRP098789 study_accession run_accession SRP098789 SRR5227288 SRP098789 SRR5227289 SRP098789 SRR5227290 SRP098789 SRR5227291 SRP098789 SRR5227292 SRP098789 SRR5227293 SRP098789 SRR5227294 SRP098789 SRR5227295 SRP098789 SRR5227296 SRP098789 SRR5227297 SRP098789 SRR5227298 SRP098789 SRR5227299 SRP098789 SRR5227300 SRP098789 SRR5227301 SRP098789 SRR5227302 SRP098789 SRR5227303 SRP098789 SRR5227304 SRP098789 SRR5227305 SRP098789 SRR5227306 SRP098789 SRR5227307 SRP098789 SRR5227308 SRP098789 SRR5227309 SRP098789 SRR5227310 SRP098789 SRR5227311 SRP098789 SRR5227312 SRP098789 SRR5227313 In order to obtain detailed metadata: :: $ pysradb srp-to-srr --detailed SRP098789 ========================= Saving metadata to a file ========================= ``pysradb`` follows a consistent pattern for providing an option to save output of any of its subcommands to a file using the ``--saveto`` argument: :: $ pysradb srp-to-srr --detailed SRP098789_metadata.tsv SRP098789